
Due to our long­stan­ding exis­tence, we erec­ted and com­mis­sio­ned a large number of sys­tems worldwide 

  • Con­vey­or belt sys­tems (gravel and con­cre­te systems)
  • Bin­ding and pack­a­ging lines (strap­ping, stret­ching, unstacking)
  • Cus­to­mi­zed sys­tems (rewor­king, moder­niza­ti­on of exis­ting systems)
  • Machi­nes for wood and lami­na­te working (saws, stack­ing devices)
  • Sewing sys­tems (trans­port tables)
  • Test stands (roller test stands, load test stands)
  • Pun­ching / pres­sing machi­nes (con­trols and safety technology)
  • Silo sys­tems (levels, weight)
  • Spe­cial machi­nes (ben­ders, mani­pu­la­tors, welt­ing and spot wel­ding sys­tems, maga­zining units, robots)
  • Trans­port sys­tems (belts, chains, rolls, por­tals, cranes, carriages)
  • Water and waste water (pum­ping sys­tems, sto­rage units)
  • Safety tech­no­lo­gy for human, machi­ne and mate­ri­al (hazard ana­ly­sis and docu­men­ta­ti­on, retro­fit­ting of light grids, safety fences, war­ning lights, emergency-shut-offs)
  • Solu­ti­ons for qua­li­ty assu­rance using camera sys­tems (qua­li­ty con­trol in the production)
  • Pro­duc­tion lines for auto­mo­ti­ve sup­pli­ers (assem­bly lines, robot cells, car washs, qua­li­ty moni­to­ring, secu­ri­ty system extensions)
  • Con­vey­or tech­no­lo­gy con­nec­tions to high-bay warehou­ses, sto­rage and retrie­val machines
  • System con­nec­tions to auto­ma­ted guided vehic­les (AGV)
  • Inter­face deve­lo­p­ment to higher-level host sys­tems (ERP, LVS, WMS)


Ver­wal­tungs-Berufs­ge­nos­sen­schaft, D — Hamburg Test stands for the fur­ni­tu­re industry
Böll­hoff & Co. Mon­ta­ge­tech­nik GmbH & Co. KG, D — Sonnewalde Cen­tri­fu­gal plants
ferrum GmbH, D — Elsterwerda Spe­cial machi­ne construction
Kro­no­span Gruppe
D — Lampertswalde
D — Bischweier
D — Stein­heim-San­de­beckF — Le Creusot
PL — Strzel­ce Opolskie
SK — Zvolen
H — Mohács
I — San Vito al Tagliamento
A — Salzburg
L — Sanem
CZ — Jihlava
GB — Wrexham
RUS — Moscow
VRC — Kro­no­sen­hua Peking
Trans­port sys­tems, bin­ding lines,
warehouse manage­ment, pack­ing sys­tems, clea­ning sys­tems, auto­ma­tic dri­ving carriages,
tur­ning stations
VWP Maschi­nen­bau & Ser­vice GmbH, D — Massen-Niederlausitz Spe­cial machi­ne construction
Toyota Denso Deut­sche Kli­ma­kom­pres­sor GmbH, D — Straßgräbchen Hand­ling tech­no­lo­gy, assem­bly systems
FEBO Maschi­nen­mon­ta­gen und Anla­gen­bau GmbH, D — Brandis Plant engi­nee­ring
KASTO Maschi­nen­bau GmbH & Co. KG, D — Achern Trans­port sys­tems, lif­ting devices
GSG Bau­be­schlä­ge GmbH, D — Elsterwerda Pun­ching / pres­sing machines
Poly­mer­tech­nik Ort­rand GmbH, D — Ortrand Pro­cess management
Thys­sen Krupp, D — Spremberg/Schwarze Pumpe Pump sys­tems
VESTAS Blades Deutsch­land GmbH, D — Lauchhammer Pro­cess management
Form­teil- und Schrau­ben­werk GmbH, D — Finsterwalde Spe­cial machines
Kjell­berg Plasma und Maschi­nen GmbH, D — Finsterwalde Spe­cial machines
ROTH Indus­tries, USA, Watertown Pro­duc­tion lines
KASTO Anla­gen­bau, USA, Chicago Spe­cial machines
UVEX SAFETY Gloves GmbH & Co. KG, D — Lüneburg Robot appli­ca­ti­ons
IAS Indus­tri­al Appli­ca­ti­on Ser­vices GmbH Spe­cial machi­ne construction
Jung­hein­rich Aktiengesellschaft Spe­cial machi­ne construction
KONTRA Anlagen­tech­nik GmbH Spe­cial machi­ne construction
SGE Spe­zi­al­ge­rä­te­ent­wick­lung GmbH Spe­cial machi­ne construction
Impul­sa AG Spe­cial machi­ne construction